I think Link is trying to say is that the more timid Salmon live longer, and have a better life. So Darwin's theory on Natural section is opposite when it comes to Salmon in this story. That's why Link also says survival of the timid, because the timid fish will not try to go up stream like the other fishes that think they can do it. The fish that try die fast, and the fish that just stay at the bottom of dam actually get to spawn. So in the end the timid are the best survivals not the fittest.
Friday, December 12, 2008
RR-02 Un-Natural Selection
I think Link is trying to say is that the more timid Salmon live longer, and have a better life. So Darwin's theory on Natural section is opposite when it comes to Salmon in this story. That's why Link also says survival of the timid, because the timid fish will not try to go up stream like the other fishes that think they can do it. The fish that try die fast, and the fish that just stay at the bottom of dam actually get to spawn. So in the end the timid are the best survivals not the fittest.
Monday, December 8, 2008
RR-01 Jesse's Past
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Native american
- The Confederated Tribes of Siletz Indians: Eagle Feather Head dress.
- The Confederated Tribes of the Grand Ronde: Beaded shawl
- The Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation: Tule mat
- The Confederated Tribes of the Warm springs Reservation: Beaded side purse
- The Confederated Tribes of the Coos, lower Umpqua, and siuslaw Indians: Salmon design Moccasins
- The Burns Paiute Tribe: Child's rabbit robe
- The Klamath Tribes: Shirt
- The Coquille Indian Tribe: We-s
- The Cow Creek band of Umpqua tribe of Indians: Mink hair ties
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Something nice ;)
Friday, November 21, 2008
The End of Semester One is Near...
I believe that I am on the right track, and I have everything in that I need in. For each subject I have done all the assignments to the best of my ability so I have a satisfying grade in each class. I also would like to stay in this class for another semester because I think I can work my very best in this environment, and with this more one on one teaching.
Friday, November 14, 2008
Ecologicial Succession
An ecological succession is when there is un-colonized land that becomes a great place of woods, and probably forest. The steps of this happening takes many years it starts off by pioneer species. These species are pretty much the rock of every ecological succession, examples of pioneer species are: mosses, and algae. The next step is primary succession which is grasses, and shrubs that grow on the mosses and algae. Secondary success is next and this is when series of community's start to take over this place and make it their own. And last is an Ecological disturbance which comes and ruins what has become of this land of nothing.
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Sun, Wind, and the Oceans
Well the warmer water goes to the top layer of the water and rises up, and the colder water is at the bottom, and comes down to the water. So when the hot and cold wind meet in the sky it makes a cycle. Which seems to happen a lot were the directed sun light is, and that the Tropical. It happens less in the Temperate areas, and hardly at all in the polar area. One reason it is does not happen so much in these areas is because they have less sun light, this also makes the water more colder then the tropical.
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Webs and Chains
Food Chain
The different between the Food Web and the Food Chain is that the Food Chain is just one chain, and a Food Web is many chains.
thimble berry--->nutria--->alligators--->Pythons
Snow berry--->some birds--->Sparrowhawks--->fox
President of the USA
Well being the amazingly nice person I am, I would start off my new life as president with making all people with out any criminal record that is in our country with out papers citizens. I would also make the city busses in every town run 7 days a week, and aloud any body who is able to be able to ride the busses. Also the busses would only be 50 cents, and gas would be a dollar. Any other problem that I is brought up to my attention I would handle quickly, with my partner/other president Taylor Nicole Goulet, the people can call her president "B". I would also go around asking the people what they think of things, and what needs to be done. I would not just sit in my office talking on phones, I would go out every where, rich places, and not so rich places. I also believe after 21 minutes having me as president "A" every one would be cheering.
Monday, October 27, 2008
Setting Goals
For this school year I would like to have straight A's. Also being able to pass my math classes. For my behavior I would like to work more on my focusing, and getting work done when it is suppose to be done. And for my behavior in class I would like to be more on task, and goof off less. And get along better with the other students.
In my future I would like to keep on dancing, maybe as a dancer in a music video, or in a movie. I would like to see myself going to college for dance. I also would like to work hard and become a fashion designer. Most of all though, my goal is to have a celebrity wear one of my dresses on the red carpet and have a reporter ask who are you wearing, and them say my fashion label!
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Celilo Falls
It is a village that was an amazing place to fish, and many tribes lived off the river. Celilo is located close to The Dalles, On the Columbia River. It was turned into a dam by the government and they have also built a railroad, and a fishery with a fish ladder. It is close to Portland so it must look busy not as beautiful and natural as before. It made it home for the Indiana's because it was where they got all their food supple.
Friday, October 17, 2008
Right or Wrong
I am 17 and I would like to say I know right from wrong, but there are still times when I think getting even is the only solution at the time. I have been taught better then that by my parents and family member's, but when I do not sit down and think about things I can make a big mess. But I am trying to remember two wrongs do not make a right. Another thing I need to remember is just because your watching a fight doesn't mean your not going to get in trouble. Because you did not stop it, and I can say I have gotten a little bit better with that, leaving and not being a part of something wrong. But I could always work harder on being less involved with people who chose the wrong.I can personally say I am good at knowing wrong from right its just knowing when to walk away is what I need to work on.
Salmon Watch Revisited
Well I when we went to the salmon the most interesting thing I learned that i did not already know was how important the little insects are that are in the water. These bugs are called Micro-Invertebrates, and just from being there for a little while with John Yoder I learn so much. You can tell if a stream is polluted or not, and see if the water is too hot or if its good. You can tell these things by going into the streams and catching the bugs and seeing which one are in there. And from looking at them you can see which ones are in there, and if certain ones are gone that means there is pollution because the there are many bugs who are very sensitive. I am glad I learned this, and I know it come in handy some day.
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
How Am I Doing? (Progress Grades)
Well yes I am all caught up, finally! I think this class is so a great, and amazing! Every one is so unique in their own way, and truly awesome people. I also think that both of the teachers here are so positive, and smart. You can really tell the like being here with us, and helping us grow. I am a very lucky person to be here. =]
Monday, October 6, 2008
The Story of Your Name
Friday, October 3, 2008
movie madness
1. Well personally I love lifetime movies. Ever since I was little I would watch Lifetime movies with my mom and aunts. I love these movies because every single one is life based, so they teach you a lot.
1.Prom Night
4.A Beautiful Mind
5.Things We Lost In The Fire
6. Monster inlaw
3. I think if I had a choice on picking the movie we were watching in class it would be to either watch Rent or Things We Lost In The Fire. I have seen both of these movies in the last five months. I think they would teach us a lot but in a way that we would connect. Because I learn from them.
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
YAR - Rite of Passage
Well I heard one time that some Native Americans have to put their hands on a piece of wood that has a hot tip to become a man. I also have heard some cultures have a symbol to represent each person, and there strengths. Another example is being able to hunt on your own, and survive by yourself.
In my culture some rites of passage are quincenera, graduations, and your first job, also marriage, and children.
Being able to go to public dances like clubs, and some party's. In my house you are not aloud to go to places like that until you are older, and more responsible like a young adult.
Well in my life the biggest rite of passage would have to be being an advance modern dancer, and intermittent ballet dancer. I have worked very hard to prove I am dedicated enough, and responsible enough for both classes.
Monday, September 29, 2008
YAR - Adolescence
When I was In middle it was really hard for me to find out who I was, and I was so confused. My sixth grade year every one thought I acted like a white girl. So I tried really hard to be Hispanic, but the people who I was trying to impress were not the best people. And I realized really quick that I did not want to be anything like them. So I stopped trying to please them, and I started to find friends who liked me for me. When I did that found people who I fit in with I was labeled so much. Even though many people have different labels for me, I know who I am. I think that's all that matters to me, so to answer this question yes I do think I have a good grasp on my identity.
Friday, September 26, 2008
YAR - Erickson's Life Stages of Crisis
1. Infancy (0-2) Trust vs. Mistrust
We start deciding who we are going to trust. This is not just decided in our heads though, its an emotionally decision. We decide by how we feel, does it feel safe when certain people hold us.
2. Toddler (2-4) Autonomy vs. Shame and Doubt
We start potty training usually at this stage, this is when you can see whether or not we are becoming a self leader or are we timid in believing we can do stuff on our own. This is also when parents are forming your child's self esteem.
3. Early School (4-6) Initiative vs. Guilt
This is when your child is in school, either they will go to the front of the line and stay positive when corrected. Or some will see everything negative, and give up.
4. Later Childhood (6-12) Industry vs. Inferiority
The stage your kid is at now is the stage when he or she starts to go out and try new actives, whether its positive or negative is what we learn about our kids. If they start to become hard workers or just start to give up on their grades, and take easy ways out of school and work.
5. Adolescence (12-20) - (Puberty): Identity vs. Identity Confusion
This is a very important stage, this is your teen deciding what their identity going to be. if they are going to set trends or go with every one else.
6. Young Adulthood (20-40) Intimacy vs. Isolation
Now your young adult is showing if they are caring and okay with them self's enough to let another person come into their lifes. Or are they going to be they party person who never settles down, because they are not sure they can trust some one enough.
7. Middle Adulthood (40-60): Generativity vs. Stagnation
Is this person adding to the community or are they just taking away from it. This is the stage were some start new programs to help others, or some dont care about others at all.
8. Late Adulthood (60+): Integrity vs. Despair
At this time we can look back and see whether our lifes have became what we want them to be. Are we in despair or are we proud?
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
YAR - Early Warning System
1. My body temperature goes up.
2. My eyes look really mean like a glare.
3. I pop my knuckles.
4. I tense my muscles.
5. I stand in a certain way with my hip out.
6. Oddly I start to talk faster.
7. Cry.
8. Talk louder.
9. I stutter.
10. I get a head ache.
1. Frustrated.
2. Irradiated.
3. Confused.
4. Ashamed.
5. Embarrassed.
6. Scared.
7. Nervous.
8. Jealous.
9. Annoyed.
10. Betrayed.
Thursday, September 18, 2008
1. Some one speaks ill of a family member of mine.
2. Some one Talks about my past with out knowing me.
3. Some one makes fun of me in front of others.
4. Some one says rude remarks as I walk by.
5. Some one laughs at some one when they mess up.
Non-Verbal List:
1. Some one gestures something sexual to me.
2. Some one nudges me in a rude way.
3. Some one glares at me.
4. Some one copy's how I act or walk.
5. Some one looks me up and down.
Monday, September 15, 2008
YAR - Sailing the Ocean to the Sun
My Sail boat is upright at this moment. I guess you could say my sail boat has a fast engine. I feel as if every thing is good, life is just moving very fast.
To keep my boat sailing upright and in the right direction I will have to learn to understand I am a small boat in the ocean, and I can not try to take things in to my own hands. So the people I will have to learn to deal with better is my parents and family, the boats who mainly surround me.
My goals at this moment is to work on my behavior with a certain animals in my sea. I have a couple sharks who are waiting for me to slip up, but I choose not to float by them and give them any reaction. My future goals are to become a strong and safe entertainment boat. I think I can become this boat by going to school, being surrounded by safe and nice boats and animals, also by not changing my path to fit in with certain groups I come across.
Well to get to school today, had to float by groups of sharks and string rays who are just waiting around to bring some one down.
Friday, September 12, 2008
What would your parents say?
Monday, September 8, 2008
Personal Thoughts (part 2)

In my life I have judged many people by just one sight of them. Also in my life time I have been judged by one look at me. I do my best to get to know the new people I meet, in two situations I have given the new person I met a chance, and I have been so pleased with the out come. Both people I judged, one as snotty and mean, and the other as a girl as snotty and to good to be my friend. But with both girls I learned if you don't put your self out there and give them a shot, it is also you who is not getting a shot. I am now best friends with both girls, Allison for almost four years, and Ali six years. I meet new people on a day to day bases, and when meeting them I keep in mind my two best friends and how we came to be.
Friday, September 5, 2008
Personaly Thoughts (part 1)

Well to me I define a hero as some one who is unlike every one else in a way you look up to. In my life my dad and my mom are my heros, what makes them hero's is becuase they are both very caring and forgiving. My parents are people who are willing to give every thing they can to make some thing out of some one else. They have taught me how to work the hardest I can, and try to achieve what ever my heart desires. My dad and mom are true to their word, and has worked hard so that every one they knows respects them. Jesse Najera and Clory Najera are parents above the rest, people who you can live your life looking up to.
Thursday, September 4, 2008
What's Your Story?

Hello I am Wendy Najera, and one of the reason I am here at Fresh Start is so that I can have a easier time learning things. For me more of a one on one contact with the teacher will help. Also not having such a big class of students will help me focus. I am prepared to start off this school year ready and willing to learn as much as I can. I believe here at Fresh Start I will get the best education I can. This year I plan on working on how to get along better with students in a school setting. Also I would like to improve my vocabulary, and literacy.