Wednesday, October 1, 2008

YAR - Rite of Passage

Well I heard one time that some Native Americans have to put their hands on a piece of wood that has a hot tip to become a man. I also have heard some cultures have a symbol to represent each person, and there strengths. Another example is being able to hunt on your own, and survive by yourself.

In my culture some rites of passage are quincenera, graduations, and your first job, also marriage, and children.

Being able to go to public dances like clubs, and some party's. In my house you are not aloud to go to places like that until you are older, and more responsible like a young adult.

Well in my life the biggest rite of passage would have to be being an advance modern dancer, and intermittent ballet dancer. I have worked very hard to prove I am dedicated enough, and responsible enough for both classes.

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