Friday, September 26, 2008

YAR - Erickson's Life Stages of Crisis

1. Infancy (0-2) Trust vs. Mistrust

We start deciding who we are going to trust. This is not just decided in our heads though, its an emotionally decision. We decide by how we feel, does it feel safe when certain people hold us.

2. Toddler (2-4) Autonomy vs. Shame and Doubt

We start potty training usually at this stage, this is when you can see whether or not we are becoming a self leader or are we timid in believing we can do stuff on our own. This is also when parents are forming your child's self esteem.

3. Early School (4-6) Initiative vs. Guilt

This is when your child is in school, either they will go to the front of the line and stay positive when corrected. Or some will see everything negative, and give up.

4. Later Childhood (6-12) Industry vs. Inferiority

The stage your kid is at now is the stage when he or she starts to go out and try new actives, whether its positive or negative is what we learn about our kids. If they start to become hard workers or just start to give up on their grades, and take easy ways out of school and work.

5. Adolescence (12-20) - (Puberty): Identity vs. Identity Confusion

This is a very important stage, this is your teen deciding what their identity going to be. if they are going to set trends or go with every one else.

6. Young Adulthood (20-40) Intimacy vs. Isolation

Now your young adult is showing if they are caring and okay with them self's enough to let another person come into their lifes. Or are they going to be they party person who never settles down, because they are not sure they can trust some one enough.

7. Middle Adulthood (40-60): Generativity vs. Stagnation

Is this person adding to the community or are they just taking away from it. This is the stage were some start new programs to help others, or some dont care about others at all.

8. Late Adulthood (60+): Integrity vs. Despair

At this time we can look back and see whether our lifes have became what we want them to be. Are we in despair or are we proud?

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