Friday, September 5, 2008

Personaly Thoughts (part 1)

Well to me I define a hero as some one who is unlike every one else in a way you look up to. In my life my dad and my mom are my heros, what makes them hero's is becuase they are both very caring and forgiving. My parents are people who are willing to give every thing they can to make some thing out of some one else. They have taught me how to work the hardest I can, and try to achieve what ever my heart desires. My dad and mom are true to their word, and has worked hard so that every one they knows respects them. Jesse Najera and Clory Najera are parents above the rest, people who you can live your life looking up to.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

You are so lucky to have parents such as yours! Thanks for sharing this with me. I am grateful to have you part of the Fresh Start class and look forward to a great year!