Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Personal Reflection on Service-Learning

I'm going to be completely honest and say that when people use to talk to me about nature, and our environment it meant close to nothing to me. It all seemed extremely boring, and so when I thought about coming here all I thought we would be doing was taking walks in parks. But now that I have spent half a year in this program I can clearly see its so much more. And nature is one word that holds such great meaning. Because of Ryan Kinnett, Eric Rose-Phillips, OSU Extension, and others, I can truthfully say I care more about our environment. I never knew how much things effect our watershed, I also would have never been able to talk to you about plants. Fresh Start is great program, and with the support of OSU Extension it is an amazing program. Going out and being able to see what your learning about not just read about it is wonderful, I think I got more out of our field trips then I have all of middle school, and high school together.

Being taught how to care about nature, was a great experience, I plan on helping my own environment by keeping it clean of course, but also by checking on our local stream, making sure it doesn't have any trash that can pollute it. I would also like to stay in contact with Dan Hoynacki, so when ever he needs volunteer's for something, I'm always be willing to help.

RR-06 The Alternate Ending?

I think if i was the Author I would have had Jesse still be hanging on to the rope by his foot. And I would have had Wade go up there and save him. After all this happened people would start treating him different, and he would be more focused on getting his life straightened out. The reason people would treat him differently is because they would realize that Jesse has been a big impact on all their lives, and with out him life would feel a little duller. And the reason he would be more focused on his life and getting everything straightened out is because he has just seen his life flash before his eyes. And doesn't want to leave his life with just a little accomplished.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

RR-05 First Fish Ceremony

When you catch the first fish, you are suppose to treat it right. That means you are suppose to cook the fish up, and cut the fish up in tiny little pieces so everyone can taste it. And with the bone you are suppose to put them all back into the water, and say all the right words above them. The significant part is after the other fish see the bones they know it is time to go up the stream to Celilo. Truthfully Black Friday sounds a lot like First Fish Ceremony. The reason I say that Black Friday is like the first fish ceremony is because it like a ritual that a lot of Americans do, once the clock hits four a.m. stores all over open, and people are already lined up to enter.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

RR-04 Jesse's Explosion

Well I think that Wade has a very good point, and it was completely foolish for Jesse to have made this big of a discussion. I personally feel like Jesse is just unraveling, and is making one unwise choice after another. Maybe this will show Jesse to think of the big picture before trying to solve the little situations along the road. It's like an old saying, don't make a permanent discussion on a temporary situation.

Monday, January 5, 2009

YAR-HB Invitations & Your Brain

On Friday the 12th I received an invitation and the only part of my brain that was thinking was my limbic system. I handled it with only emotion, and let it get the best of me. Even though it was not physical at all it was very draining. I learned that I am just damaging my boat, and putting more and more stress on my self by handling situations like this. I plan on picking up the pieces and sail through invitations with out giving any reaction at all.

RR-03 Opposites Attract?

Well I believe that opposites do attract, and in Lorna and Wades situation it works. I think it works for them because there both very reasonable people, and even though they have different out looks on life they still have the same out look on love. As well as caring, they both know how to have their own opinion on stuff with out being mean or rude. I think they are really meant to be.