Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Something nice ;)
Friday, November 21, 2008
The End of Semester One is Near...
I believe that I am on the right track, and I have everything in that I need in. For each subject I have done all the assignments to the best of my ability so I have a satisfying grade in each class. I also would like to stay in this class for another semester because I think I can work my very best in this environment, and with this more one on one teaching.
Friday, November 14, 2008
Ecologicial Succession
An ecological succession is when there is un-colonized land that becomes a great place of woods, and probably forest. The steps of this happening takes many years it starts off by pioneer species. These species are pretty much the rock of every ecological succession, examples of pioneer species are: mosses, and algae. The next step is primary succession which is grasses, and shrubs that grow on the mosses and algae. Secondary success is next and this is when series of community's start to take over this place and make it their own. And last is an Ecological disturbance which comes and ruins what has become of this land of nothing.
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Sun, Wind, and the Oceans
Well the warmer water goes to the top layer of the water and rises up, and the colder water is at the bottom, and comes down to the water. So when the hot and cold wind meet in the sky it makes a cycle. Which seems to happen a lot were the directed sun light is, and that the Tropical. It happens less in the Temperate areas, and hardly at all in the polar area. One reason it is does not happen so much in these areas is because they have less sun light, this also makes the water more colder then the tropical.
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Webs and Chains
Food Chain
Food Chain
The different between the Food Web and the Food Chain is that the Food Chain is just one chain, and a Food Web is many chains.
thimble berry--->nutria--->alligators--->Pythons
Snow berry--->some birds--->Sparrowhawks--->fox
President of the USA
Well being the amazingly nice person I am, I would start off my new life as president with making all people with out any criminal record that is in our country with out papers citizens. I would also make the city busses in every town run 7 days a week, and aloud any body who is able to be able to ride the busses. Also the busses would only be 50 cents, and gas would be a dollar. Any other problem that I is brought up to my attention I would handle quickly, with my partner/other president Taylor Nicole Goulet, the people can call her president "B". I would also go around asking the people what they think of things, and what needs to be done. I would not just sit in my office talking on phones, I would go out every where, rich places, and not so rich places. I also believe after 21 minutes having me as president "A" every one would be cheering.
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